Welcome to Irvine Groves
Manager’s Messages
Community Tree Trimming Update
Happy New Year Irvine Groves,
As many of you are aware, the Associations hired tree maintenance vendor began the Community wide tree trimming project in November of 2024. As an update, the tree trimming project is more than half way complete. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the tree trimming continues.
Community Tree Trimming
Dear Irvine Groves Residents,
Your Board of Directors would like to bring the upcoming Tree Trimming project to your awareness. Tree Trimming will begin in November and/or December of this year. The dates for maintenance have not yet been established, though they will be clearly communicated via email blast once solidified. Thank you for your understanding.
Summer BBQ 2024
Dear Residents,
We are excited to announce the annual Summer BBQ Event! This year, it will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024 beginning at 11:30 a.m. Please save the date and mark your calendars.
Please RSVP by emailing maoc@actionlife.com or calling (949) 450-0202 by September 16, 2024
We look forward to seeing you there for an afternoon full of food, fun, and community spirit.
Best Regards,
Your HOA Board
Traffic Regulations
There have been several reports of speeding and/or reckless driving within the Community. Please ensure you are following all traffic regulations set within the Community such as the 25 MPH speed limit and do not cut into other lanes or use the wrong side of a roundabout. This is purely in an effort to keep all residents safe as Butterfly is often used for walking and/or recreation.